Our Mission
We want to provide you a comfortable office setting to discuss your medical needs and concerns in a non –hurried fashion. Hunter Creek Medical is not governed by insurance companies or pharmaceutical influences and will provide you with information and services you need to be healthy and your best self. Appointments are longer which allows for ample time to explore solutions to your concerns and problems. A panel size of 250 patients instead of the 3,000-4,000 typical in a conventional family practice office allows the personal time and attention many patients desire in today’s world.
Our office focuses on preventive health, through regular comprehensive exams and education, with the knowledge that what you do and the habits you develop on a daily and weekly basis have a significant impact on your physical as well as your mental well-being. Direct access to the physician through appointments, phone conversations, emails, and texts avoids many of the frustrations common to several of today’s medical offices, with long times on hold, questions not answered, and limited access to the physician. In summary, this office is about you and how we can help you. Welcome to Hunter Creek Medical.